Always Connected Rain Bird puts control over your sprinkler system in the palm of your hand. Whether you’re outside in the garden or away from home, you’re always connected to your landscape. Save Water. Save Money….
Spring Start UpsEvaluate your system and yard for potential issues to make sure your automatic sprinkler system is up and running this Summer! Just a few simple steps will go a long way towards saving water…
Mulch is the term for any organic material used as top dressings on your garden beds. The top dressing could be compost mulch, bark mulch, sawdust, shredded leaves, pine needles, grass clippings, straw hay, etc. Landscapers…
When you see the color purple used in sprinkler systems, it means that the water is being reused and is not fit to drink (non-potable). The color purple can show up on: The valve boxes which…
Here are some practical tips that will help you efficiently accomplish a beautiful yard while being water-use minded. Water Wisely: The efficient way to water is a few times for a shorter amount of time, with…
Mary Ann Dickinson, President and CEO of Alliance for Water Efficiency, was a keynote speaker at a Rain Bird conference in January 2013. She educated irrigation professionals from all over the nation as well as Canada…
World Water Day was founded in 1993 by the United Nations and has worked with local partners and communities to solve the water and sanitation crises. Each year, on March 22, we join together to highlight…
With our Washington weather, you never know if the weather will be freezing out or sunny one minute and rainy the next. Have peace of mind knowing you are: Watering when it’s nice outside, not raining…